Closure orders for the Silver Falcon restaurant in the UAE capital have been issued over safety violations that endangered public health.
In a series of Tweets, the Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority said the food control board had taken the action after the restaurant failed to maintain hygiene standards despite several warnings.
During successive inspections, officers found "pests, insects and rodents" at the facility and noted that no action was taken to ensure food safety guidelines were met.
Three warnings were issued before the closure order was handed out.
The authority added that the restaurant will remain closed until improvements are made.
The public have been urged to report any food and safety violations on 800555.
أصدرت هيئة أبوظبي للزراعة والسلامة الغذائية قراراً بالإغلاق الإداري بحق منشأة "مطعم الصقر الفضي" بأبوظبي، والتي تحمل الرخصة التجارية رقم CN-1059170، وذلك لمخالفتها القانون رقم (2) لسنة 2008 في شأن الغذاء بإمارة أبوظبي والتشريعات الصادرة بموجبه، وكذلك لخطورتها على الصحة العامة. pic.twitter.com/vfDuc3Tmei
— هيئة أبوظبي للزراعة والسلامة الغذائية (@adafsa_gov) April 13, 2022