Local Girlguiding groups dropped by founding organisation

British Girlguiding Overseas

British Girlguiding Overseas - which has 2,600 members in 36 countries and territories - has advised members it will cease to exist when the parent organisation, Girlguiding UK, cuts ties in September 2023.

This means local branches, including those in the UAE, will be looking for options to continue running their Guides, Brownies and Rainbows groups under local laws and regulations.

In an update to members, the leadership of GirlGuiding UK said the decision would affect most regions outside the United Kingdom, including the Middle East, and was not taken lightly.

"This has been a very difficult decision for everyone, and we are discussing with overseas members to see how girls might be included in worldwide guiding in the future."

Attributed to chief guide Tracy Foster, chair of Girlguiding’s board of trustees, Catherine Irwin and CEO Angela Salt, the statement explains the reasoning behind the change.

"For the UK board of trustees, the decision was made based on the organisation’s future ability to run an overseas operation in 36 countries and territories, each with separate laws and regulations."

Earlier this year, the Girl Guides of Canada took the decision locally to stop using the term Brownies to describe their seven-to-eight year old members to be more inclusive.

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