UAE denounces attacks on UN facilities in Gaza Strip

UAE's Lana Nusseibeh and China's Zhang Jun addressed the media about the situation in Gaza (screengrab)

The UAE denounced the Israeli bombing that targeted civilians and UN facilities in the Gaza Strip, renewing the demand for an "immediate cessation", protection of Palestinians and the need for access to humanitarian aid.

During a joint press conference with the Chinese delegate after a closed session of the UN Security Council on the developments in Gaza, Lana Nusseibeh, the UAE’s Permanent Representative to the UN, stressed that the killing and targeting of children in Gaza represents grave violations to the international law.

She also called for the need to provide full protection to journalists and UN workers and expressed regret for the lack of sufficient humanitarian aid entering the Strip.

Renewing its support for the UNRWA, the UAE applauded the efforts it was taking to support Palestinian refugees, especially in the Gaza Strip, from an "unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe". 

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